Basic lawn care knowledge is essential for every homeowner, regardless of whether you take advantage of the design expertise and resources that come with a professional landscaping service.
By knowing what keeps your lawn healthy, it’s easy to take your Miami home or your Ft. Lauderdale condo up a level while investing minimal time. Even if you have professional lawn care on a regular basis, adding these simple tips will help you to keep your landscape design looking better than you expected.
To keep your lawn looking great, you need to know how to use fertilizer and when to add it. You also need to know how to look out for pests, from burrowing rodents to grubs and insects that can pose a threat to your landscaping. That means:
Following these preventative steps will help to keep any lawn looking its best between mows. It also keeps the grass healthy, resulting in easier maintenance as time goes on.
If your lawn starts losing grass, it is essential to make sure the exposed area gets patched properly, with seed that can grow into a healthy part of the lawn. Grass prevents erosion and other problems, and re-seeding small areas is easy. If too much of the lawn goes bare, though, it might require re-sodding.
When you’re dealing with empty spots in your lawn that are disrupting your landscape design, remember that you can always reach out for help. Professional landscapers can provide you with the program you need to bring your lawn back to its best form so that you can get it back on track and looking green.
Depending on your landscape needs, you might want to vary the height of your hedge or privacy screen to make it more visually interesting. That means choosing trees and shrubs of different heights. When you’re looking into shrubs and trees, you’ll also need to consider how much sun and shade they get, as different plants have different needs.